Ninteenth day- bonding.

8:26 PM flashesofgold 0 Comments

This week was full of bonding with the kids. I can't believe how much bonding has happened in just a week of class. I couldn't believe how lucky we got with the kids in our class, because while the other classes had trouble with getting the kids to focus, we actually got to teach them as well. The kids were all so sweet, almost immediately trusting and leaning on us like they had known us all our lives. I could just see the excitement in the kids' eyes in their preparation to learn. Although it is not fair to have favorites, there were a couple of kids who just seemed to like me and cling on to me more than others. Antony and Jairo in particular loved to always hug me and include me in their games. Jairo drew this picture of us holding hands and I just found it adorable.
On Thursday I took the day off because I didn't feel too good, and the kids wrote me a bunch of letters saying how much they missed me and wanted me to be back. It was enough to make me smile and feel just a little bit better.
Today, we had school as normal. It amazed me, once again, how much the kids wanted to learn. The kids actually started understanding the idea of reducing fractions, and Kevin was hesitant to leave the classroom because he loved school so much. I could definitely see why people find teaching so rewarding. After school, we went to see Harry Potter. Which was...oh man. No words could sum up how I felt after watching the movie. I feel like I've just ended a huge part of my life. As if my childhood is now gone. I know that that's really irrational and not true at all, but I guess I've always looked forward to the books and movies all my life, and now that I've read everything and seen every movie, it just feels like that magical world that I could escape to is now gone. I know. It's not true at all. But the movie was incredible, and although I wish I had gotten to re-read the last book before seeing the movie, I can say that it seemed they tried really hard to incorporate everything into the movie. I cried during much of the movie, and the acting was phenomenal. I can't ask for any more to end the little Harry Potter era of my life [which won't really ever come to an end because I love HP to no end].
Tomorrow I will be visiting Otavalo, which is basically a market place. I will now proceed to cover up my post-Harry Potter depression with excitement about tomorrow.